Anointing of the Sick
Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of healing, not just for the dying. Anyone facing serious medical issues or those who have become frail due to age can receive it. The healing may be whatever the Lord sees as needed most: physical, emotional or spiritual. Please request the sacrament, if possible, before the person is in the last days of life. One can be anointed several times as medical conditions change.
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is celebrated, communally, twice a year at special liturgies.
In the case of immediate need, it is offered upon request. It is suggested to request anointing prior to hospitalization when this is known in advance.
If you desire to be anointed, please contact the Parish Nurse, Pat Navyac at 947-4620 ext. 215.
If this is an after hours emergency, please contact Deacon Rene Hoenscheid at (231) 499-8030.
Please note: When admitted to the hospital, it is important that you register as a Catholic if Eucharist or other ministry is desired. Due to privacy laws, we do not automatically know if you are hospitalized.