Our high school students are invited to join us in the St. Francis Parish Halls for fellowship and fun!
Typically held the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from 7-8 PM
Watch the bulletin or contact the office for exact dates.
US Bishops Prayer for Young Adults
Gracious and Loving God,
Help these young men and women to be a light for all the world to see,
in all the places they live and work.
Let their light shine for all peoples; for their families; for their church communities;
for their cultures and societies; for the economic and political systems,
for the whole world.
Coming into the room where the disciples were gathered after the resurrection,
Jesus, your Son, said,"Peace be with you."
Make these men and women bearers of Christ's peace.
"Blessed are the peacemakers."
Teach them the meaning of what was said on the mountain:
"for they shall be called sons and daughters of God"
Send them, Father, as you sent your Son
to free their brothers and sisters from fear and sin.
We ask this of you, in Christ's name. Amen