Health Ministries
The Health Ministry of St Francis Parish seeks to promote the wellness of all members. As members of the Body of Christ, the Church, we give witness to the Gospel as we minister to the physical, emotional and spiritual well being of those in need. Members serve as guides to community resources. They coordinate as needed with other parish ministries. Ongoing projects include blood pressure screening, coordinating blood drives, maintaining emergency equipment, introducing educational opportunities, maintaining the prayer list for the bulletin and coordinating volunteers to the hospital and assisted care facilities. This ministry also assists with the Mass of the Anointing of the Sick and All Souls Day. The Health Ministry also supports the Funeral Liturgies and families in bereavement.
The main purpose of this ministry is to visit and pray with, as well as distribute Holy Eucharist to the Catholic patients at Munson Hospital. Initial training and orientation is provided. Background check and Virtus training is required.
Ministers bring Eucharist to Catholic residents of assisted care facilities, nursing home and the homebound who cannot attend Mass. Initial training and orientation is provided. Background check and Virtus training is required.
Advanced Directives Workshop
April 13, 2023
Fr. Donald Libby & Deacon Dr. Doug Wigton