Councils & Committees
Help implement parish and community projects by joining this group. Projects include such things as October Healing Mass, Advent Giving Wreath, birthday luncheons every three months for seniors (75 years of age and up), Thanksgiving cards mailed out to shut-ins, plant delivery at Christmas and Easter to shut-ins and more.
Contact Vi Panks: vipanks@sbcglobal.net
Working together with our community we endeavor to build the Kingdom of God by fostering education on Catholic Social teachings and by implementing outreach activities aimed at changing unjust attitudes and societal structures. Members meet with other justice and peace-oriented Catholics on a regional basis for support and direction from the diocesan secretariat on justice and peace. ​
For all your Justice & Peace information, CLICK HERE
Members serve in an advisory capacity to the Pastor for a three-year term. Helping the pastor to set goals and priorities in service of the parish mission, PC representatives act as the eyes and ears of the parish to the Pastor and a means of communicating pastoral concerns to parishioners.
Join an active group of men who enjoy each other and enjoy serving the needs of the church. Like other chapters across the nation, the K of C is a fraternal benefit society. True to its founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity, the Knights have grown into the largest lay Catholic organization in the world now 125 years later with more than 1.7 million members. Learn more about the Knights by visiting their website.
Join SVDP to fulfill the two great commandments, love of God and love of neighbor. The group seeks to grow spiritually in their meetings through prayer and sharing faith. They seek out God’s needy, both materially and spiritually and help wherever needed – whether supplying great resources or simply listening and comforting those in need.
Use your expertise to assist the Pastor with advice and support in planning for the maintenance and improvement to our grounds and buildings.
Contact Gary VanRaalte or Chris Stein: gary@sfparish.org or chris@sfparish.org
Quilters and sewers of all ages and abilities are welcome to help with sewing projects for parish decorations and for the parish fundraisers.
Contact Cindy Walters: cwallie2002@yahoo.com
Help educate and inspire others to become faithful stewards to the natural world and all its inhabitants. We do this through real-world actions in our community, in our parish, and in our own lives.
Kathy Daniels: Kathy.daniels.tc@gmail.com
Kathy Sanders: sand.kathy@gmail.com
For all your Creation Care information, CLICK HERE